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Conversions in your online business can be the end all, be all for your campaigns.

A small business looking to grow?

A big corporation going for a better bottom line?

Having better conversions spells success for your site.

If you want a high conversion rate, strive to be in the top 10%. They are getting as much as 11.45% conversions with their methods.

How do you even achieve something that high?

We have 14 ways so you can boost your website conversions.

From your forms to your blogs – these proven strategies can help harness your traffic and improve your online percentage conversion.

Are you ready to optimize your traffic?

Here’s what you can do:

1. Reduce Fields in Your Forms

The first move you can make is reducing the number of fields in your forms. When asking people to sign up to your business, you want to make it as easy as possible.

By having fewer fields, you’re lessening the chances of doubts. You’re cutting down on the feelings of intimidation.

You would want to do this in all your sign up forms, then get an opt-in confirmation phase after. Through conventional wisdom, you want to get at least their full name and email address.

Get additional details in the opt-in stage.

2. Add a Social Proof

The internet market has undergone massive shifts in trust. The social proof, which is the trust in people like you, is one essential tool that people care about.

If you want to increase your online percentage conversion, here’s what works. You need to use people’s reviews and testimonials for your social proof.

Having a ton of legitimate reviews means people trust you, which is an excellent way to markup trust and quality of work. People also believe that the more social proof you have, the fewer risks they take.

This becomes their seal of trust.

You want to ask for these reviews and testimonials to come from actual people. They should be as genuine as possible to prevent sowing ideas of distrust within your user base.

3. Don’t Force too Much Content at Once

Your site needs content regularly, but you shouldn’t shove it all at a user the moment they reach your landing page. That won’t lead to higher conversion rates — it will increase your bounce rate instead.

The goal is to focus on a smooth and comfortable User Experience (UX). Your landing page should stay streamlined, allowing the content to funnel visitors to a call-to-action option while engaging them.

4. Start A/B Testing

A/B Testing is crucial to finding strategies that resonate with your audience. Something as simple as changing the words in your copy can make the difference.

Where you can, create different copies that convey the same message.

Have relevant copy that dares your customers to make emotional sales decisions.

If they believe you resolve issues in their lives (and you genuinely should aim to do so, they’ll be more likely to convert.

5. Throw in a Guarantee

Businesses should have to trust their products to gain the customer’s trust. If your products create second thoughts before conversion, here’s what you do.

Throw in a guarantee. Offer a money back guarantee for your product. Add a no questions asked policy if possible.

What a guarantee does is remove the risk for the customer. It eases doubt, which then gives free rein for the customer to buy. The safety of the sale lets customers convert with little distress.

6. Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to get your online percentage conversion increase.

With the right social activity, you can connect with your audiences and have an indirect impact on your organic rankings. This helps your branding and garners more interest.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still top social media sites to help boost your conversions. You can share new product reveals along with promos and discounts, which will translate into new leads.

7. Use Visuals and Video

Leveraging visuals and video are always an effective tactic to get people to care. By using images that resonate with people, here’s what happens…

They will attach that good feeling to your business. Visuals and video that ring an echo into people’s lives get more people supporting it.

Start with visuals that show off your brand. Provide competitive, professional looks and make people care. Show the benefits that your product or service can bring in their lives.

8. Track Your Campaigns with Analytics

Gather data for your campaigns and work your way from there. Data will never lie to you, so you want to see which of the strategies you create increases impressions to your business.

A smart way to do it is to use Google Analytics to see which of your content marketing works. With the information, you can find which pages work or not.

You can also find which social media posts work for your specific target audience.

9. Assess and Change Your Offer if You Have to

A good way of increasing your online conversion percentage is to perform an honest assessment. Check your offer if it is adequate for a conversion.

If you’re using lead magnets, don’t create a single one. Instead, you want to provide different offers and see which one works.

Not all audiences will care for a specific product so if you diversify, that can help for sure.

10. Clear Web Design

Gone are the days where a web page has to feature fancy Flash videos and many quirky visual flares. To raise conversion rates, you don’t need a lot of visual noise to distract the visitor.

Instead, focus on a clearer, cleaner design.

This is important because every important element of the page becomes easier to spot. The user won’t feel overwhelmed or lost.

It won’t be as much of a mess to find items such as the contact link.

11. Optimize Your Landing Pages

Creating a proper landing page for your offer is one of the best ways to improve your online conversions. With your landing pages, show off what you can do.

Provide the benefits of your offer and how it relates to your customer’s lives. Solve their pain points.

When working with landing pages, you want to perform A/B testing as mentioned above to see which one works best.

12. Blogging

Blogging is online marketing 101, and people often neglect to invest time in it.

When blogging, don’t be afraid to talk about loosely related topics. Talk about your industry, the changes and knowledge you can impart.

Whether it educational or news-style information, go for it. You will find people who will agree with your thoughts. And if they don’t that can create fun engagement too.

13. Call-to-Action Placement

A very common practice is to place the call-to-action button or link at the bottom of the page.

This makes sense since you want the reader to subscribe, purchase or conduct another conversion option after going through an informative blog post or ad.

However, you shouldn’t forget the top of the page either.

Add a call-to-action option up there too. It could be a simple subscribe button or an easy-to-see contact link.

This increases the chances of a visitor doing something on your site, regardless if they digest the content on the page.

14. Apply the KISS method

Don’t confuse people with too much pizazz on your web design and in your content.

Your process on your website should follow the K.I.S.S. Method – Keep It Simple, Stupid. Aim for minimalism in your content. Reduce the workable elements within every page.

michael scott from the office keep it simple stupid meme
Why? People don’t like clutter. They also want pages that are fast and reliable, instead of fidgeting with every element.

When writing content, go with your core message and make your final design both readable, clean and appealing. As always, A/B test all elements, from colors to typeface.

Get More Website Conversions Now

To increase your website’s conversion rates, there are many improvements you can make. Something as simple as reducing the fields in your forms can ramp up your rates.

Follow our tips and get more website conversions than ever before. These are simple, easy and they work!

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If you want to skyrocket to success, consult with us at Glenmont Consulting.