How to Make an Impression on Your Customers

On average, over 65% of the income generated by a small business comes from their existing customers. While it is important to attract a wider audience, you mainly need to focus on keeping your existing customers happy.

Accomplishing this goal will require lots of hard work and the right team. Failing to make a positive impression on new customers can result in them jumping ship and seeking out the help of a competitor.

Having a high customer turnover rate can result in lower profit margins and the inability to grow. If you are trying to make an impression on your customers, consider the helpful suggestions below.

Make Sure Your Product Packaging is Unique and Appealing

Did you realize that a consumer’s impression of your business can be formed in as little as 39 milliseconds? If you are on a mission to instantly engage with consumers, then using the power of great product packaging is imperative.

A great product packaging design will not only help you set your business apart from the competition, it can also give a consumer a sense of what your company does.

Using seasoned product packaging professionals, like Deepking Labels, is a must when trying to avoid mistakes. With some professional assistance, you can design your new packaging and get it mass-produced without fear of quality issues arising.

Performing some market research is a great way to see what type of packaging design your competitors are using and how to improve upon these designs.

a meeting between three businesswomen

Use Personalization to Make a Great Impression

A recent study found that over 80% of consumers felt that the brands they use do not tailor content to fit their needs.

This lack of personalization can lead to a consumer feeling like they are just another number to a particular company. If you want to avoid losing customers due to a lack of personalization, now is the time to take action.

One of the best ways to use personalization is by collecting and analyzing data provided by people who visit your business website. Providing contact forms that are both accessible and easy to use can help you increase the amount of usable data at your disposal.

If you have a consumer’s name, location, and information about the type of products they are interested in, composing a personalized email will be relatively easy.

With a quick and personalized follow-up email, you can show a new customer how adamant you are about keeping them happy.

a woman at a table typing on her laptop

Gather Important Information With the Help of Surveys

Knowing where customer service shortfalls are taking place is crucial when trying to keep your customer base happy.

Gathering information regarding how well your company has been doing with customer service is easy if you use the power and convenience of surveys. Sending out emails with these surveys to valued customers is a wise move.

Most customers will have no problem filling out a short online survey if they think it will help a business they use frequently. As you start to receive the data from these surveys, you need to use it to optimize your company’s approach to customer service.

Finding ways to improve as time goes by will only benefit your business. If you are unsure about how to develop and use surveys, you need to find an experienced marketing professional to lend you a hand.

Your Hard Work Will Pay Off

Making a positive impression will not be easy. However, with some time and lots of hard work, you will be able to keep your customers happy and engaged for a long time to come.