The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Repurposing Content in 2020

Content marketing is an effective inbound marketing strategy. A company’s content marketing has influenced purchases for 82 percent of consumers, according to one survey.

But many entrepreneurs don’t have time to constantly produce new content.

What if we told you the same content you’ve already produced can work as new content?

Repurposing content you’ve already created is a smart and effective way to get more mileage out of your work.

Repurposing content means you take the core information and turn it into other materials. Think of it as recycling the work you’ve already done.

But you don’t just want to publish the same information in the say way over and over. Your target audience will quickly notice you’re not providing anything new of value.

Keep reading to learn how to repurpose content the right way!

Benefits of Repurposing Content

One of the biggest benefits of reusing the same content is saving time. Valuable content on your website improves SEO by helping you rank well in search results.

You know you need to have that content, but you have other responsibilities that make it impossible to spend too much time on content creation.

You get more mileage out of repurposed content because you already have the research portion done. Additional pieces take less work with that piece already completed.

You can also put more effort into the piece, which improves the quality. You’re spending your time more effectively by doing your best work on one piece and reusing it in multiple ways.

Repurposing also helps you make content more appropriate for different channels. The in-depth details in a blog post don’t work well on Facebook or Twitter.

By reworking that data, you can customize the use for different platforms, from social media and your website to marketing materials.

Do a Content Audit

Looking at your existing content library helps you identify pieces you can use for repurposing.

You may already have several long blog posts packed with valuable information and data. Update and transform those pieces into additional content.

The audit also helps you spot areas where you’re lacking information.

What are some key topics related to your business that you can cover in various pieces? How can you establish yourself as an expert in the space?

Use this audit to build a plan for your content. Determine which existing pieces you’ll use and which new pieces you need to create.

Start With Valid, Accurate Data

Consumers want accurate and informative content, with 31 percent of people in one survey saying accuracy is most important and 28 percent saying informative content is important.

If you start with weak information or data that doesn’t hold up, you’re not creating value for your website visitors and customers.

They won’t likely stick around long enough to convert into paying customers.

If you’re using existing content, verify that the information is still valid. If you wrote the piece two years ago, are there updated statistics? Did you thoroughly research the piece when you wrote it?

If you’re starting with fresh content, check your data resources to make sure they’re credible.

Government sources, universities, and governing bodies for different industries have the most reliable information sources.

Check for citations on other websites that share data. If your competitor gives statistics on insurance rates or claims, do they tell where they found that information?

It’s always best to go to the source. Sometimes people change the meaning of the data when they try to paraphrase, which can make it less accurate.

You can also do your own research and calculate your own statistics based on your business. This makes your data unique and specific to your industry.

Update Existing Content

If you’re using current content, give it a refresh before you repurpose new pieces. Ensure it still fits your company’s branding and offers the most value possible for readers.

Here are some other ways to update old posts:

  • Add new images
  • Expand on information
  • Provide new examples
  • Add subheads
  • Break content into smaller paragraphs
  • Improve the overall layout to make it easier to read
  • Fix spelling and grammar errors
  • Make the writing more conversational or engaging

You may also combine multiple smaller related blog posts into one larger post. This lets you fully cover a topic in depth. It also gives you more potential repurposing options.

Types of Data That is Easy to Repurpose

Evergreen content is usually the best option for repurposing. Evergreen content is information that’ll remain true for years to come.

It won’t get outdated quickly, and it’s not a seasonal topic that’s only relevant for a few weeks per year.

Statistics work well in many different formats. You can use them as quotes or graphics for social media. They also work well in infographics.

Repurposing Examples

A large, informational blog post is often the primary source for repurposing. It’s full of potential data to include.

You can pick out just a few pieces or larger chunks for the new content.

The following types of content are ways you can reuse your current content:


Create a video version of a popular blog post. Say your post on protecting your home from burglars gets lots of traffic.

You might record a video showing those specific steps in an actual home to give your insurance clients a visual reference.

Videos work well for how-to type content. It’s usually easier for you to explain topics and for customers to understand what you’re saying with video.

Social Media Graphics

When you create graphics for your blog posts, create slight variations for different social media channels.

Customize the sizing to each platform. For Instagram, a width of 1080 pixels optimizes your images for example.

Having social media images ready to go makes it easy to promote the original content. It also helps engage your audience on those platforms.

Downloadable Content

One way to build your email list is to offer a downloadable freebie. Use your old content to create a quick download for those new subscribers.

You might create a checklist for saving money on insurance or a template for how to handle claims. Users give you their email addresses in exchange for the download.

Since you already have the information, you need to format it into an attractive download. Turn it into a PDF so users can easily download or print the sheet.


Do you have a series of long blog posts on related topics? Compile them into one larger ebook for your clients.

You may even be able to sell your ebook depending on the topic and industry.


An infographic is a visually attractive way to present lots of data on one topic. You might create an infographic about car insurance cost factors or accident statistics.

Email Newsletters

If you have a large email subscriber list, repurpose the content into email newsletters. You might preview a longer blog post by including the first few paragraphs.

At the end of the email, include a link to the full post. This attracts attention and can help increase your website traffic.

A similar option is to break a large blog post into an email series. It might be a short, free class or multi-step how-to.

When someone signs up for the course, it automatically gets sent out one email at a time until the series is done.

Best-Of Round-Up Posts

Generate new buzz around old blog posts by writing a “best of” round-up style post.

This lets you point out some of your older content that newer readers may have missed. Write a new little blurb for each post, and provide a link to the original.


Turn an instructional blog post into a webinar to attract people who want to learn more about the topic.

Webinars can help draw new attention to your brand from people who haven’t heard of your company. You can record the webinar and make it available long term.


Creating a business podcast lets you connect with people on the go. They can listen to your content wherever they go.

Pull out some of your old written content that would translate well into the podcast format.

Choosing Content Types

When repurposing content, consider your purposes.

Are you trying to increase engagement, educate followers, increase sales, or build your position as an industry expert?

Choose repurposed formats that best fit those purposes.

The content you already have is also a consideration. If you have a lot of data-driven content, infographics work well.

If you have lots of written tutorials or instructional posts, that might mesh well with creating video content for users.

Start Repurposing Content

If you already have a business blog or content library, you’ve got a head start on repurposing content.

Evaluate and update that content to give yourself a solid, accurate bank of information, and start creating new content that works well for channels and target audience.

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